Jacque Brown Photos
Brown is originally from Kansas, which is where she grew up. She
majored in Art at Kansas State University, then moved to the Gulf Coast
and spent 25 years near Houston where she met her husband, Richard.
They developed a taste for birding and photographing birds as it was
the only way they could ID them at the time. They then moved to
southern Illinois and lived there for 5 years until Richard passed
away. Jacque moved here to Northwest Arkansas to be near her cousins
and their families. She met Joe Neal and Mike Mlodinow at the Charlie B
Craig fish hatchery in Centerton and the rest is history. Tlhe history
of birds in Arkansas, anyway. She loves Northwest Arkansas and can't
imagine living anywhere else.


Common Merganser (male)

Common Merganser (female)

Common Tern, with catfish

Cattle Egret and frog

Red-headed Duck, displaying

Rufous Hummingbird

Wood Duck

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Cedar Waxwings

Cerulean Warbler

Cliff Swallows

Grasshopper Sparrow

Mississippi Kites

Prairie Warbler

Red-eyed Vireo

Semi-palmated Plovers

Wild Turkey

Wilson's Phalaropes

Yellow-breasted Chat