(See also: Bald Eagle auto tour guide for northwest Arkansas.)

Goals of Northwest Arkansas Audubon Society include protecting birds by furthering
environmental awareness through education. This page, featuring photographs of Bald
Eagles in northwest Arkansas, showcases efforts of members and friends of NWAAS,
plus all sorts of folks who appreciate seeing our National Bird.

 During the 1960s, it appeared Bald Eagles were headed for extinction in the lower 48
states. However, because the public spoke up and demanded action, passage of the
Endangered Species Act and some specific laws protecting Bald Eagles lead to a
dramatic recovery quite evident in northwest Arkansas. A few pairs of Bald Eagles
now nest here every year, and hundreds migrate from up north to spend the winter.
The presence of these dramatic birds is testimony to what folks can do when they
band together and speak up for an environment healthy for birds, people, and all
living things.

Your photographs will be welcomed for this page. If you want them to appear here,
please note the following guidelines:

1. Please notice the file size of your photograph. Only submit photographs resized
to less than 500 kb (less than 1/2 of a megabyte).

2. Please label each photograph to include the following: (1) Bald Eagle, (2) place
taken, (3) date taken, and (4) your name in parenthesis. Example of label: Bald
Eagle adult Eagle Watch Nature Trail December 1, 2012 (L Smith).

3. You can submit as many images as you want. In selecting for submission, consider
variety in poses, places, times, backgrounds, and what the eagles were doing.

4. Submit your images via email to:

  Bald Eagle after ice storm, Gravette
Bald Eagle after ice storm Gravette January 20, 2007 (J Neal)

Bald Eagle and carcass
Bald Eagle and carcass near Chesney Prairie Natural Area February 7, 2009 (J Neal)

Bald Eagle at Centerton
Bald Eagle at state fish hatchery Centerton Oct 11, 2012 (J Neal)

Bald Eagle at Centerton, Nov 14 2012
Bald Eagle at state fish hatchery Centerton Nov 14, 2012 (J Neal)

Bald Eagle in big oak at Clifty Jan 29, 2012
Bald Eagle in big oak at Clifty Jan 29, 2012 (J Neal)

Bald Eagle juvenile Lake Sequoyah
Bald Eagle juvenile at Lake Sequoyah February 17, 2010

Bald Eagles and cows
Bald Eagles and cows Cherokee City December 1, 2011 (J Neal)

Bald Eagles at Eagle Watch Nature Trail
Bald Eagles at Eagle Watch Nature Trail Gentry February 2, 2008 (J Neal)

Bald Eagles at Centerton Nov 14 2012
Bald Eagles at state fish hatchery in Centerton November 14, 2012 (J Neal)

Bald Eagles on Beaver Lake
Bald Eagles on Beaver Lake November 27, 2012 (J Neal)

Bald Eagle with deer leg
Bald Eagle with deer leg, War Eagle area Hobbs State Park, ca. Jan 24, 2013 (J Neal)

Bald Eagle juvenile, Cane Hill
Bald Eagle juvenile, Cane Hill, 182011 (D Oakley)

Bald Eagle, Gentry
Bald Eagle, Gentry Eagle Watch, 1182009 (D Oakley)

Bald Eagle, Gentry
Bald Eagle, Gentry Eagle Watch, 1182009 (D Oakley)

Mature and immature Bald Eagles
Mature and immature Bald Eagles, Eagle Watch Nature Treail, 12/7/2011 (Terry Stanfill)

Bald Eagle, Flint Creek
Bald Eagle, Eagle Watch Nature Trail-Flint Creek, 12/27/2010 (Terry Stanfill)

Bald Eagle, Eagle Watch Nature Trail
Bald Eagle, Eagle Watch Nature Trail, 1/5/2012 (Terry Stanfill)

Bald Eagles, Eagle Watch Nature Trail
Bald Eagles, Eagle Watch Nature Trail, 1/14/2012 (Terry Stanfill)

Bald Eagle, Eagle Watch Nature Trail
Bald Eagle, Eagle Watch Nature Trail, 9/16/2010 (Terry Stanfill)

Bald Eagle, Eagle Watch Nature Trail
Bald Eagle at Eagle Watch Nature Trail, 12/6/2012 (Terry Stanfill)



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